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Top 5 Incredible Scripts for Anime Lootify

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Anime Lootify is a popular game where players can engage in thrilling combat, farming, and item collection. To make your gaming experience more exciting and efficient, here are five incredible scripts designed to automate tasks, enhance combat, and unlock exclusive features.

01. PanHub by Pancakq (NEW)

This PanHub version brings new features with improved luck boosts and potion utilities, making it a great all-rounder for Anime Lootify.

KillauraAutomatically targets enemies for effective combat.
Roll Speed PotionsProvides infinite roll speed potions.
Equip BestAutomatically equips the best items in your inventory.
Auto Use BoostsAutomates coin, roll speed, and luck boosts for optimal gameplay.



02. Kill Aura and Instant Roll Script

This beginner-friendly script is perfect for enhancing combat and quick item rolling. Be mindful of the anti-cheat system to avoid kicks.

Kill AuraAutomatically attacks nearby mobs.
Instant RollQuickly rolls rewards for faster item acquisition.



03. PanHub by Pancakq (UPD3)

PanHub is a comprehensive script featuring powerful utilities for combat, equipment management, and automatic boosts.

KillauraAutomatically targets nearby enemies.
Auto Raid & BossAutomates raids and boss fights for efficient farming.
Luck Auto RollMatches previous reward rolls for better outcomes (up to 5000x luck).
Auto BoostsAutomatically uses coin, roll speed, and luck boosts.
Auto AscendProgresses your character with minimal effort.



04. Lootify Hold Click Script

This simple but effective script allows players to hold down the mouse button for continuous attacks, perfect for farming or combat situations.

Hold Click AttackAttacks continuously by holding the left mouse button.
Easy to UseRequires minimal setup and works with any sword.


local module_upvr = {}
local LocalPlayer_upvr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
local CurrentCamera_upvr = workspace.CurrentCamera
local Equip_upvr = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.GuiUtils.Equip)
local var8_upvw = 3
local tick_result1_upvw = tick()
local M1_2_upvr = game.ReplicatedStorage.Remote.Event.Combat:WaitForChild("M1")
local SoundPlayer_upvr = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Utils.SoundPlayer)

local holdingM1 = false
local fireRate = 0.01 -- Minimal wait to reduce potential performance impact

function module_upvr.M1()
local Character_upvr = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character
if not Character_upvr then return end

local Humanoid = Character_upvr:FindFirstChild("Humanoid")
if not Humanoid then return end

local weaponType = Equip_upvr.getWeaponType()
if not weaponType then return end

if var8_upvw == 1 then
var8_upvw = 3
var8_upvw = var8_upvw - 1

tick_result1_upvw = tick()
local current_tick = tick()
task.delay(1.4, function()
if tick_result1_upvw == current_tick then
var8_upvw = 1

if Character_upvr:FindFirstChild("Hand") then
for _, v in Character_upvr:FindFirstChild("Hand"):GetDescendants() do
if v:IsA("Trail") then
v.Enabled = true


if Character_upvr:FindFirstChild("Hand") then
for _, v in Character_upvr:FindFirstChild("Hand"):GetDescendants() do
if v:IsA("Trail") then
v.Enabled = false

var8_upvw += 1
SoundPlayer_upvr.playSound("Swing" .. math.random(1, 3))

function holdM1()
holdingM1 = true
while holdingM1 do

local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService")

UserInputService.InputBegan:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
if gameProcessed then return end
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then

UserInputService.InputEnded:Connect(function(input, gameProcessed)
if input.UserInputType == Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 then
holdingM1 = false

return module_upv

05. PanHub with Enhanced Features (NEW)

This updated PanHub script includes additional features for item management and unlimited potions, making it ideal for farming.

Auto SellSells unwanted items every 7 seconds while keeping locked ones.
OP God Luck BoostsIncreases luck boost up to 100x for better rolls.
Coin BoostGrants infinite coin boost potions.
Luck Potions (Inf)Provides unlimited luck potions for consistent benefits.
Fast OpenQuickly opens items but may risk kicks.



How to Use These Scripts

Using these scripts is simple and efficient. First, download a reliable Roblox executor like Synapse X, Krnl, or JJSploit from trusted sources. Ensure the executor is up-to-date to work with the latest Roblox version. Launch Anime Lootify and open the executor. Copy the desired script code and paste it into the executor’s interface. Attach the executor to the game and execute the script. Some scripts may provide a GUI for enabling or disabling features, while others require manual interaction. Always follow the script instructions to avoid triggering anti-cheat systems, and use scripts responsibly to maintain a smooth gaming experience.

What Are the Benefits of Using Anime Lootify Scripts?

Scripts enhance your gameplay by automating repetitive tasks like farming, rolling items, and collecting boosts, saving you valuable time. Features like Kill Aura and Auto Raid make combat efficient and allow you to focus on strategic gameplay. Unlimited boosts and potions significantly increase your chances of acquiring rare items, giving you an edge over other players. Additionally, scripts simplify equipment management and offer convenient utilities like fast open and auto ascend. With these scripts, you can unlock the full potential of Anime Lootify and enjoy a seamless gaming experience.

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